Because the SAT and ACT are now both universally accepted by all colleges, high school juniors and seniors now have more flexibility but also more work to do in figuring out which test is the better option. Twelve years ago, Dann designed and implemented a unique “SAT Versus ACT” evaluation to help incoming juniors decide which test is better suited to his or her strengths. Through a combination of tutoring and testing, we provide an invaluable resource in helping students decide whether to prep for the SAT or ACT. While this evaluation is most helpful before or during junior year, it can be completed anytime.
Our SAT / ACT Evaluation involves a combination of one-on-one tutoring along with simulated SAT and ACT testing. In a matter of only two weeks, we will provide you with highly accurate, expert advice and feedback on which test is a better option for you. We base our results on numerous factors, including our work together as well as test score results from our initial baseline testing. As part of the SAT/ACT evaluation, we will also provide you with in-depth feedback on results, a full breakdown of your scores and more importantly, a clear explanation of what the scores really mean.
While this SAT / ACT evaluation process is completely optional, we often encourage it for current or rising juniors. By figuring out which test is a better option, we preempt the need to study for and take both tests. Since the SAT and ACT are extremely different in terms of format and content, a student would have to spend nearly twice as much time preparing for both tests. By figuring out which test is “better” for a particular student, we streamline the testing process, making your life much easier!
Contact Dann Furia Tutoring: 610-453-7050